Tag: Christmas

Do You See What I See?

Day 362 of Photo Inspirations — Do You See What I See? Though most of the festivities are over, the joy and peace of Christmas still lingers. I’m still captivated by the flickering lights that are still glowing brightly. I just love the sweet and tender atmosphere of Christmas. But, most of all, what reassurance…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 28, 2015 Off

I Breathed a Sign of Relief

Day 355 of Photo Inspirations — I Breathed a Sigh of Relief In years past, my Christmas traditions started right after Thanksgiving.  I loved this time of the year so much that  I decorated every bedroom with it’s own fully decorated, lit tree.  The inside and outside of the house looked like a Christmas Store.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 20, 2015 Off

The World Needs a STABLE Influence

Day 353 of Photo Inspirations — The World Needs a STABLE Influence The phrase, “under the influence”,  is typically used in defining someone’s mental or physical faculties that are impaired because they are intoxicated or on drugs. But, I heard that phrase used yesterday to describe those of us who are “high” on the Christmas…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 18, 2015 Off

You Are Always On My Mind

Day 350 of Photo Inspirations — You Are Always On My Mind At the end of 2014 when I was seeking God about my assignment for 2015, I clearly knew that my 2015 blogs would be inspired by photos.  So that has been my mission.  Just 15 days to go…..and then I’ll start my new…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 15, 2015 Off

Blessed are the Merciful

Day 344 of Photo Inspirations — Blessed are the Merciful We’re into the Advent/Christmas Season by a couple of weeks now, and though it’s the most wonderful time of the year, we’ve all probably had an occasion to be unhappy and disgruntled with someone or something.  And, BIG surprise….. someone might even be unhappy with…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 10, 2015 Off

Out With Fall, In With Christmas

Day 333 of Photo Inspiration — Out With Fall, In With CHRISTMAS!! My sweet kids left for home on Friday, but not before my wonderful son, Larry, completed a page-long “Honey Do” list for me.  And, my precious “adopted” girl, Denise Gerrich​ helped me take down my Fall decor’, move it up to the attic,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 29, 2015 Off

The Face of God

Oh how I love the smell of a newborn baby. They carry “heaven’s scent” — I just know it!   After all — that’s where those precious little angels came from, so of course they still carry that scent of heaven on them.  Oh, how I love kissing those “heavenly” little faces. I just can’t…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 21, 2014 Off

Savor Life and the Blessings

It’s quiet in my home tonight.  The “gang” have all left for their homes in Texas and Seattle.  I’m savoring the sweet times we were able to cram into such a short span of time. I’m archiving so many things that I’ll remember for a lifetime. My not-so-big home handled all eleven of us.  My…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 30, 2014 Off

Christmas BEFORE Thanksgiving?

It’s been beginning to look a lot like Christmas for MONTHS now. And, I saw some FB posts where folks were grumbling about Christmas decorations being sold and Christmas music playing since back in August. I get that retail stores, needing their sales, amp it up to get us into the “buying” spirit waaay before…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 21, 2014 Off