Tag: purpose

What If Blessings Come From Raindrops?

If we could measure our blessings by raindrops that have come to Frisco for the last week and, now, it shows rain every day through Sunday, then we would be overwhelmed with blessings. On Monday, I returned home from Austin in unceasing, torrential rain most all the way in which driving was extremely intense. My…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 17, 2018 Off

Beam Me Up, Scotty!

Yesterday I stopped by my children’s home and I saw this aluminum foil creation with a point on the top (and, of course, a bow to show it was designed with a woman in mind!). Alexia (my creative granddaughter) had made it the night before. I’m not sure where her imagination was going to but…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 18, 2018 Off

Busy Running….and Going SOMEWHERE

My granddaughter, Alexia Wallace (aka Lexi), aspires to be a veterinarian someday, so it is no surprise that she wanted me to go with her to her “job” where she provides dog sitting service for a neighbor’s dogs. She feeds, walks and cares for the dogs throughout the day. Then, it was off to the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 10, 2016 Off

That’s Gotta Hurt!

Day 300 of Photo Inspirations — That’s Gotta Hurt!!! My daughter,Staci, and I posed for this photo on Saturday — Staci’s caption for the photo “Hmm….that’s gotta hurt!”  LOL!  Well, that’s just a scarecrow so it’s not hurting, but what about us?  That could be said of many of us today, whether we’re actually hurting…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 2, 2015 Off

God Takes Pleasure When We Take Pleasure

Yesterday was planned around Alexia — some girl time, her getting to choose where we would eat for breakfast and dinner — being pampered at the nail salon, her picking some great decor’ for her new bedroom, getting her “Fall Harvest” costume — it was a “by design” day that continues to celebrate her Rite…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 21, 2014 Off

You Are Living Stones

I have a birds-eye view from my office window, of the house being built across the street from me (pictured here). It’s really quite amazing how – just a couple of weeks ago – there was just a vacant lot. It is gradually becoming a home that will soon have happy occupants inside. For the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 4, 2014 Off

Bitter or Better?

I have an Aunt who has been in a British Columbia hospital for over 15 months now — Crohn’s Disease — and, after all she’s gone through — so many surgeries, in so much pain, and many other complications — she remains joy-filled, thankful, and continues to give God praise to be alive. Her faithful…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 24, 2014 Off