Tag: waiting

In the Waiting Room

Waiting rooms test our patience, don’t they? Whether it’s anxiously waiting for the doctor to call your name, a baby to make its grand entrance, or a red light to turn green, waiting always feels like a stretch of eternity. But here’s the thing — while we’re waiting, something is happening. Surgeries heal what’s broken.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 2, 2024 Off

In the Meantime

An old song went like this: “In the meantime, in between time, ain’t we got fun?” I wish they had said “don’t we have fun?” But the point I am making is the “In the meantime” – no matter the problems, concerns and worries….there’s still a place for fun – if we would just look…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 1, 2023 Off

Worth the Wait

Sunday night I remembered I needed to buy a clear, plastic bag/purse for an upcoming event we’ll be attending this week. I needed the purse rushed to me as we are leaving town today. Amazon kept their one-day-delivery promise. It was worth the wait! I barely had to wait at all! The Waiting Game is…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 21, 2023 Off

Like a Dove

I read Psalm 55:6 “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” That reading took me back to Frisco, TX and the mama dove who nested above my fireplace vent. When I realized she had made her family’s home there, she already had two eggs. Soon…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 30, 2022 Off

Waiting, Anticipating, Preparing

Day 340 of Photo Inspirations — Waiting, Anticipating, Preparing The word “nesting” has frequently been on my mind over the last several days.  “Nesting” is that word used when a pregnant woman is close to that day when her baby will arrive.  She wakes up one morning feeling energetic and wanting to clean and organize…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 6, 2015 Off

Patience is Waiting

Day 292 of Photo Inspirations — Patience is WAITING So this week, at our Bible Study, we’re looking at the Fruit of the Spirit quality of PATIENCE.  Lord, please give me patience RIGHT NOW!  Patience is a word we seem to want to avoid talking about because when we start talking about it or asking…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 25, 2015 Off