The Butterfly Effect – Your Life Matters

August 18, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

The butterfly effect — they say the wing-flapping of a butterfly can move molecules of air in a chain reaction that can set off a storm a world away.

And what about the effect that someone, or some incident, had in your life? Think about those influences that made you, who you are today. Maybe watching your single Mom work several jobs to give you the best education and now, look at you — you’re making tremendous sacrifices to give your children the best education. In fact, you may be seeing the butterfly effect on your grandchildren because your children were so impacted by your life of commitment and dedication to what you believed in the most.

We can keep tracing back farther and farther into the past and see that each person’s action has far-reaching effects into the future whether he or she knows it or not. We were created by God to make a difference in the world. Our actions, whether good or bad, will impact lives after lives in a chain of events. What we do with our lives matters forever; so, let’s choose wisely how we live. We could be the key that turns the tide in someone’s life. Just a pebble in the water can set the sea in motion — a simple act of kindness could stir someone’s life to greatness. Our lives matter.

If we show a little love — heaven knows what we could change if we reach out our hand to someone in need. Come with me and let’s seize the day! This world may never be the same — because of our BUTTERFLY effect.