“You Without Sin, Cast the First Stone”
From John 8:1-11, those are words that Jesus spoke to the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees when they brought a woman before Him when she was caught in the act of adultery. The first question I have….where was the man caught in the act of adultery with her? The second question I have…
The Butterfly Effect – Cause & Effect
The Butterfly Effect phrase is attributed to a mild-mannered meteorology professor at MIT, Edward Lorenz. He simply entered numbers into a computer program simulating weather patterns and then left his office to get a cup of coffee while the computer crunched away. When he returned, he noticed a result that would change the course of…
Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Yesterday I stopped by my children’s home and I saw this aluminum foil creation with a point on the top (and, of course, a bow to show it was designed with a woman in mind!). Alexia (my creative granddaughter) had made it the night before. I’m not sure where her imagination was going to but…
Is Love Debatable?
I get amused at my 18-year-old grandson because, from all his four years of speech and debate experience with the NCFCA (National Christian Forensics & Communications Association), he can sure hold his own when it comes to debating an issue with someone. I was completely entertained when I watched his dad and him debate the…
Amping Up Back-To-School Prayers for Our Kids AND Us
I see and hear you mamas who are taking those kiddos to school and college. Some of you are elated to get them back-to-school after a long summer. But others, like my niece who took her daughter to college, said: “I’m not gonna lie, I teared up the moment we pulled onto the campus, again…