Month: February 2022

Big Audacious Faith AND Big Audacious Living

AUDACIOUS — showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks; daring, fearless, brave, courageous, valiant, venturesome I was immensely inspired when I heard brilliant author and speaker, Erwin McManus, sharing his miracle story. He was dying from cancer, but is now cancer-free and living AUDACIOUSLY. Erwin went in for a simple “insurance exam” for a…

By Donna Wuerch February 18, 2022 Off

Got Your Ears On?

FYI to you youngsters out there!! Back in the 1970s, there was a major oil crisis and the U.S. government imposed a nationwide 55 mph speed limit. Fuel shortages were widespread and CB radios were used to help locate a supply of gasoline and notify other drivers of speed traps. The Burt Reynolds “Smokey and…

By Donna Wuerch February 12, 2022 Off

Thinking About My Epitaph

  Okay, I’m not actually thinking about my epitaph (those words written in memory of a person who has died), but I AM desiring to live in a way that when my number is called that I will have left behind some good seeds that I planted. I’m reminded of that when I attend a…

By Donna Wuerch February 11, 2022 Off

Little Ways Prep Us for Big Wins

After months of what seems to be “little” accomplishments, part of me longs to hear about some of God’s BIG ways – BIG wins – BIG worthwhile news – BIG discoveries like a cure for Covid. But, I’ve learned God seems to work best in the “littles”. Just think about the “littles” that God used…

By Donna Wuerch February 10, 2022 Off

Encouragers! Let’s Unite!

Have you noticed when you walk into a fast-food restaurant or retail store that you’ll hear one of their employees shout out “Good afternoon, welcome to ____”? Isn’t that encouraging? You were noticed! You also know that some of those employees have been taught to say something encouraging to you like “I love your hair”…

By Donna Wuerch February 9, 2022 Off